Dale Garn Alpakka forte
Dale Garn Baby ull
Dale Garn Kidsilk Erle
Dale Garn Lerke
Dale Garn Natural lanolin wool
Drops Air, , , , , five16 17 18 19alpakka polyamid ull150
Drops Alpaca, , three23 24 25alpakka167
Drops Karisma, , four20 21superwash ull100
Drops Kid silk
Drops Nepal
Gjestal Garn Cortina soft
Istex Alafosslopi
Istex Lettlopi
Viking garn Hobbygarn
Viking garn Kid-silk
Viking-Garn Alpaca bris, , , six seven15alpakka merino nylon150

Above is example of the product table. To the right are multi-select filters for this table.

A table with only pin of 5 filtered out:

Drops Air, , , , , five16 17 18 19alpakka polyamid ull150